Storytelling for Changemakers
This course will help you to harness the power of your story.
Ambassador Stories uses media to highlight the people, places and spaces that bring soul to our beloved communities.
Soul of Seattle 2: Heart of the City was created by Domonique Meeks and Traci Gushiken as a short doc centered around four women entrepreneurs in the city of Seattle sharing their journey's in business, Seattle's changing landscape and a call to womxn small business owners to unite to inspire the next generations of womxn owned businesses.
A global citizens rooted locally in the South Seattle neighborhood of Beacon Hill, Domo started No Blueprint in 2016 as a platform specifically for artist and entrepreneurs of color to share their stories, insight, social and information capital.
Soul of Seattle Season 1 is the first installment of a project that looks closer about past present and future innovation in Seattle’s Central District neighborhood.
Shelf Life Community Story Project is recording oral histories with current and former residents. We believe community stories and neighborhood histories can influence conversations about change and shift the way this city imagines its future.